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Baby Towels

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Mothercare Bath Time Bale White


₹ 1,499.00 ₹ 2,999.00 50% Off


Baby towels

Babies are sensitive to cold, so they need to be kept snug all the time. That’s why bath time can be tricky, because the minute your child exits the bathtub, she begins to feel cold. Make bath time a pleasant experience for your child by stocking up on towels that are soft and comfy. Your child will enjoy being swaddled in these new born baby wrappers and will look forward to spending time in her bathtub. Mothercare offers a range of baby bath towels and accessories designed, keeping your little one’s needs in mind. Pick what makes both of you happy.

Cute and quirky baby bath towels

We know children are easily bored. That’s why they’re attracted to things that are colourful and cute. Keeping this in mind, Mothercare offers a range of baby bath towels that feature calming pastel colours and cute animal prints. Our swaddle towels are animal-themed and come attached with hoodies, foot pockets and flaps to help you tuck your baby inside the towel. These new born baby towels feature 3D beaks, bunny ears and cocks’ combs for added effect. These baby towels will remind your child of her teddy bear, unicorn, and duckling friends. You could also opt for bath ponchos that are just as comfortable and provide lots of room for movement. Our waffle baby bath towels are super absorbent and provide good body coverage while our flannel towels dry quickly and wash easily. Some of our baby wrapper towels come with bath mitts for extra fun in the bathtub.

Multi-purpose baby bath towels

Having a good variety of bath accessories can help make bath time extra fun. Having good-quality baby towels goes a long way in keeping your baby feeling snug and comfy both in and out of the bathroom. Line your baby’s pram with towels for extra warmth when taking your baby for a stroll. You could use these baby bath towels as bedding when you need to carry out a diaper change outdoors. Or you could drape these baby towels around yourself and your child if you need some privacy while feeding your baby. They also come in use when your child is at the pool. Wrap her in these highly absorbent baby bath towels to keep her body dry and warm after her swim.

Baby wrappers and bath time essentials

Along with baby towel wraps, stock up on bath toys, cute, animal-shaped bath soaps, and soft sponges to keep your child’s mood uplifted in the bathtub. Good-quality bath plastics like bath seats, aqua pods and bath boxes make it convenient for you to give your baby a bath. When stocking up on baby bath towels, ensure that you have a good selection of plush and flannel towels in multiple sizes and calming colours. That way, you will certainly not run out of baby towels when you need them. Also, opt for baby productsthat are gentle on your child’s delicate skin so that bathing remains a stress-free experience for her.

One-stop shop for bath essentials

Help your baby get comfortable with bath time by stocking up on products that make her happy. If your baby is in a cheerful mood, baths can be no-stress experiences for both, you and her. Mothercare offers a range of baby wrappers, skin care products and other essentials to help make this essential activity as enjoyable as possible.