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Maternity Pillows

3 items

Mothercare Ultimate Feeding Pillow White


₹ 2,549.00 ₹ 2,999.00 15% Off

Mothercare Multi-Purpose Feeding Pillow White


₹ 3,824.00 ₹ 4,499.00 15% Off

Rabitat Snoozearctic Woodland Baby Lounger Blue


₹ 2,399.00 ₹ 2,999.00 20% Off

Pregnancy pillows

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but all moms-to-be know that it is challenging too. As your body changes to accommodate the baby growing inside you, aches and pains become a constant companion. They can become progressively worse if you don’t take steps to alleviate the pain. Maternity pillows provide neck, back, joint and sciatic pain relief, especially when you sleep. Unlike mattresses, these full-length pillows are designed to support the contours of your body so that you can sit and sleep in positions that are comfortable.

Benefits of maternity pillows

These pillows provide maximum benefit to moms-to-be. They can be used to support the neck, back or stomach while sleeping. By placing your knees and hips over the pillow, you can relieve some of the pressure on your spine. The pillow improves blood circulation and digestion as it rectifies your sleeping posture. However, it can also be used as a post partum pillow, as you can rest on it to support yourself while feeding your baby. You can use it as a barrier if your infant is sleeping next to you. Pregnancy pillows are not only maternity care essentials but can be useful to persons recuperating from any kind of surgery as they support and comfort your entire body.

Types of pregnancy pillows

These pillows are available in a range of shapes like C, U and wedge-shaped. All of them achieve the same goal, that of helping you feel comfortable, but they achieve it in different ways. At Mothercare, we combine the benefits of all these shapes in our multipurpose pillows. Our 3-part sleep and body pillow features a head pillow, a middle section to support your baby bump and a narrow leg section for you to drape your foot over. Our 2-in-1 pregnancy and feeding pillow provides ample support to your belly while sleeping. Later on, you can place your child on the pillow while feeding her so that she feels safe and secure. Our wedge pillows are perfect for daytime usage. They are perfectly angled to support your back, especially when sitting on a chair. Because of the amount of support and comfort they provide, our pregnancy pillows will become your best friend.

Tips for buying pregnancy pillows

You wouldn’t want to end up with a pillow that’s too stiff or is hard to clean. That’s why it’s important to opt for ones that are made of soft materials that can be machine-washed. Easy to care for pillows are a must during your pregnancy so that you’re not burdened with cleaning chores. Avoid pillows that rustle or squeak when weight is placed on them. Noise-free pillows and essential to sound sleep. Also, opt for pillows that are hypoallergenic and provide support during a range of activities like sitting and feeding your baby. For extra comfort, while sitting, bring home a gliding chair. They are soft and are designed to take the pressure off your back and hips when you sit.

A hub for maternity shopping

We at Mothercare understand that the better you’re taken care of, the healthier and happier your baby will be. That’s why we provide everything you need to have a smooth pregnancy. Visit our website to shop for maternity wear, skin care, pillows for pregnancy, post partum essentials and lots more.